Tuesday 19 January 2010

Ground Zero

First visit to sign-on, so clutching my 'Looking for Work' record of activity, I approach the automatic doors of the JC (still broken, use handle) and enter. To my consternation I am met at the welcoming post by Man Mountain. He bares his teeth and I realise he is smiling. He looks like a kindly wolf. He takes my paperwork and asks me to sit in the waiting area.

On reflection, this is not the dingy hole it first appeared. The decor is almost 80's, it's the poor lighting (energy saving bulbs?) that spreads the air of gloom.

I am buoyed up. Can't wait to meet my Consultant, who I am sure I will bond with: someone I will look upon as a friendly shoulder to lean on. It's pretty jarring hearing your name called in a large, public office, but I'd better get used to it.

"So, how's the job search going?" asks Cindy*. It's amazing how she can inject such a lack of interest into the question. It would be apathetic, were it not tinged with a hint of aggression. I explain to Cindy's ear all the steps I have taken in the 10 days I have been active. I would explain to Cindy's face, except she does not offer me any eye contact whatsoever, in fact, keeps her whole body tilted away from me and faced towards her computer screen. She addresses all her subsequent questions to the computer screen, and I answer to her ear.

I have nine activities on my report, compared to the minimum three required each time, so am confident I am doing my bit. Cindy's only comment to the screen was "Well, perhaps you'll have more to show me next time you come in." What? My colleague attending a different JC was warmly congratulated on his three entries, and practically offered a cup of tea and a hug from his Consultant.

Considering her tender years, I bite back the comment I would really like to make, which is that I have been paying NI contributions for longer than Cindy has actually been alive. So, sit across this side of the desk at my stage in life, sister, then come out with your glib comments. But I don't. I am cowed.

I look across at the next desk. I wish I had that nice man as my Consultant. He has a pony tail and looks like he's kind to animals. Cindy does not appear to have any personality at all. Unless a desert rock has a personality.

*Name has been changed

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